Analyst workroom Xenosss®  - Advanced Intelligence Geospatial Investigative Analysis Solutions

Global , National  Security & Intelligence.

Military & Defense

Law Enforcement

Fraud & Business Pattern Analytics Insight

                                Our Global & National Intelligence Security Product Foundation: 

                                   Analyst workroom Xenosss®  [AWR] 

Analyst workroom Xenosss®

Is an Investigative Graphical Analyst Software, developed with Autonomic Computing Technology - a Technology System that can manage and improve its own operations with minimum human intervention. The only Investigative Software Worldwide that posses a Built-In Autonomic Components of this nature at the Time when it was first published in Year 2006. A Software for Local, Regional, Organization, National , International and Professional Intelligence Law enforcement Agencies. Cloud Integrated Analytics.

The  Architectural Platform

The fact that the Architectural Platform has a Build-In Complex Data Analysis Policy based on this exciting development in  Autonomic  Computing Technology, it therefore possessed the following :

                       Self-Managed Application





It is very simple to use, its almost all Automated and drive visual revolution. Once your data is ready, Completing masses of Data Analysis Life-Circle comprising of many Thousands or Millions of Data  , it need few minutes to complete the [eg. It processed 65000 Data Records within 1 Minutes – At the Time of published in 2006, it was the only Software Worldwide of this nature that can operate at such high magnitude] :







Our Contribution to the Core Aim of Save & Secure Global Communities

We developed this Product as a result of a top priority “Security”, along with an increasing focus on the provision of protective services, dealing with a serious organised crime and terrorism. We based the solutions on our core process knowledge on Security facing the World today. When applied with its Visualization, Analyse, and Communication performance, we believe this technology will add real value to criminal justice and public safety Worldwide.

                                                      Technology Lab Development Section : Internal use only


             Security in the Cloud - Fraud Detection:

Ecommerce Fraud Detection and Prevention

 An online store can be protected from fraudulent credit card transactions, affiliate fraud, and other types of ecommerce fraud by recognizing the fraudulent activities. Preventive measures can reduce the fraud risk and ensure that it does not impact the business. Businesses have several tools at their disposal for fraud detection and prevention. We implement the following practices to protect Business and Organizations from ecommerce fraud. 

Cyber Security Monitoring

Threat Hunting: We Actively Monitor the Systems and Infrastructure Components. 

Cybercriminals keep improving their tactics. Their methods and tools often advance faster than mainstream technology, enabling them to bypass security systems and hide for extended periods of time. The more time they spend in your network, the more data they can steal. Finding them before they cause damage requires continual proactive defense, like threat hunting. 

Attackers keep improving their tactics. They are often able to bypass security systems and hide for extended periods of time. Finding them before they cause damage requires new, more proactive tactics, like threat hunting. 

Threat Hunting:

Threat hunting is the process of actively searching for and identifying threats. Often, hunters are looking for Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). APTs are threats in which attackers gain access to a system and remain for an extended period of time. These threats are typically carried out by nation states or state sponsored groups. APTs are used to siphon data, monitor for classified information, or obtain credentials.

Threat hunting and traditional threat detection are two different aspects of security. When threat hunting, you proactively search for attackers. Using threat detection, you set systems in place to reactively alert when threat activity is detected. Threat hunting is not intended to be a replacement for detection, but an additional measure of defense.

Threat hunters work by assuming that attackers are already in your system but are undetected. If they find evidence of an attacker, they report that evidence to be handled according to your Incident Response Plan. 

Incident response is an approach to handling security breaches. The aim of incident response is to identify an attack, contain the damage, and eradicate the root cause of the incident. An incident can be defined as any breach of law, policy, or unacceptable act that concerns information assets, such as networks, computers, or smartphones.

As the frequency and types of data breaches increase, the lack of an incident response plan can lead to longer recovery times, increased cost, and further damage to your information security effectiveness. This makes incident response a critical activity for any security organization.

 The six steps of incident response

Here are steps our incident response team take to prepare for cybersecurity incidents:

2. Identification

We decide what criteria calls the incident response team into action. IT systems gather events from monitoring tools, log files, error messages, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. This data should be analyzed by automated tools and security analysts to decide if anomalous events represent security incidents. For example, just seeing someone hammering against a web server isn’t a guarantee of compromise – security analysts should look for multiple factors, changes in behavior, and new event types being generated.

When an incident is isolated it should be alerted to the incident response team. Team members coordinate the appropriate response to the incident: Doc Details Doc Restricted >> Internal use only

3. Containment

Once Our team isolates a security incident, the aim is to stop further damage. This includes:

4. Eradication

Contain the threat and restore: Doc Restricted >> Internal use only

Our process  as follows: 1 - 6  steps [ Doc Restricted >> Internal use only]

Ensure your team has removed malicious content and checked ...... >> doc Restricted ...Internal used only. 

5. Recovery

The purpose of this phase is to bring affected systems back into the production environment

carefully to ensure they will not lead to another incident. Several strategic steps must be followed : Doc Restricted Internal use only.